Muller - Fantasy

THE WORK, THE WORK, THE WORK. This is the BBDO mantra and we stand by it, because we want the work that we do for our clients to be the thing that defines us. But if you’re looking for other things that could define us just as well, you could go for “the experience, the experience, the experience” – we’re the oldest agency in Romania with over 22 years of great client-agency relationships behind us – or you could go for “the efficiency, the efficiency, the efficiency” seeing as we’re the most awarded Romanian agency in the Effie Effectiveness Index and the 12th most efficient agency...
Title: Titlu | Fantasy |
Product: Produs | Muller |
Media Type: Tip Media | TV, Cinema |
Year, Month of first appearance: prima aparitie: an, luna | 2008, Octombrie |
Agency: Agentie | Graffiti BBDO |
Advertiser: Anuntator | - |
Category: Categorie | Sweet Foods |
Director Strategie: Strategy Director | Adrian Docea (Strategic Planner) |
Account Director: Director de Cont | Irina Tuchiac (Group Account Director) si Anca Iulia Calin (Account Director) |
Director de Creatie: Creative Director | Ema Prisca |
Art Director: Director Artistic | Cosmin Simionescu |
Copywriter: Textier | Dan Stanescu |
Production Director: Director de productie | Liviu Isop (AV Production Manager) |
Director: Regizor | Nicolas Morlet |
DOP: Editor (Imagine) | Predag Dubravici |
Production Company: Casa productie A/V | Multimedia Est |
Post Production: Post Productie A/V | Anca Ignatescu (Flame Artist) si Multimedia Est |