Food - Best Before - InterSnack - Snackings

Best Before sau "Ce se ascunde in spatele ambalajului." Oameni cu Master in Design si experienta publicitara in agentii multinationale si locale. Cunostinte solide atat in design, cat si in publicitate Pasiunea pentru identitate vizuala.
Title: Titlu | Best Before - InterSnack - Snackings |
Product: Produs | Food |
Media Type: Tip Media | Branding, Packaging & Design |
Year, Month of first appearance: prima aparitie: an, luna | 2006, Mai |
Agency: Agentie | Best Before |
Advertiser: Anuntator | Magazinul Progresiv |
Category: Categorie | Savoury Foods |
Market Distribution (Country): Piete distributie (Tari) | Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, The Czech Republic and Slovakia |
Client Service Director: | Mona Costache |
Account Director: Director de Cont | Andreea Andrusco |
Director de Creatie: Creative Director | Elena Dragomirescu |
Art Director: Director Artistic | Elena Dragomirescu |
Copywriter: Textier | Mircea Lamatic |
DTP : | Leo Gheorghita |
DOP: Editor (Imagine) | Ile Costache |
Image Production: Editare Imagine | Best Before |
Illustrator: Ilustrator | Anamaria Radu |
Post Production: Post Productie A/V | Best Before |