Hello World Happiness Report! Romania e generoasa Bursa de Fericire (Ogilvy), finalista la Cannes.
Miercuri, 18 Iunie 2014

Bursa de Fericire, semnata de agentia Ogilvy, finalista la Cannes Lions / Cannes Health 2014

adplayers. Iulian Toma

Stim deja ca, pana la aceasta ora, Romania a castigat doi “Lei” la Cannes Lions cu McCann si multe, multe nominalizari (in jur de 20), din care mai mult de jumatate au fost luate tot de grupul fondat de Bogdan Enoiu. Avem de facut si o reparatie morala pentru o campanie finalista la premii, lucrata nu numai de o agentie ci si de romani. Pentru ca duminica toata lumea a fost libera, nu multi sunt cei care au vazut ca prima finalista la Cannes a fost Bursa de Fericire, semnata de Ogilvy, la intrecerea Cannes Health, proaspat lansata. O campanie in urma careia puteti vedea mai jos cat de generosi sunt romanii.

Ca roman, am insa o critica in prezentarea campaniei, conform careia tara noastra ar fi pe un loc neplacut la capitolul generozitate, potrivit World Happines Report care a situat Romania pe rusinosul loc 90.  Personal, ca unul nascut in spatiul romanesc, sunt sigur ca raportul international nu a luat in calcul multe dintre aspectele si cultura locala a generozitatii. Ca mai toate rapoartele europene sau mondiale, indexul de generozitate sau fericire nu poate fi la fel intre Romania, Statele Unite si Marea Britanie. Daca fericirea si generozitatea au ceva in comun, atunci aceastea este mai intai cultura locala care, cel putin in Romania, ne-a facut fericiti nu neaparat prin ajutor sau generozitate oferite in orice situatie, ci doar atunci cand situatia o impune. O demonstreaza, in buna masura, insasi campania premiata la Cannes.

Romanii poate ca sunt mai putin generosi cu cersetorii de meserie, dar daca vedeti cum au sarit in campania Bursa de Fericire sa ofere un ajutor, de la retele sociale pana la posturi de televiziune, veti vedea ca nu sunt deloc lipsiti de generozitate. Se vede cu ochiul liber cum conationalii nostri sunt gata sa ofere ajutorul lor, dar nu in orice situatie, ci doar atunci cand imprejurarea este cercetata si avem de-a face cu o cauza care merita toata atentia.

Romanii sunt generosi pentru o cauza reala, nu de dragul de a oferi ceva in orice situatie, la colt de strada sau in metrou. Trebuie sa stai tot timpul cu mintea treaza daca nevoia este reala, ori daca cel care iti cere nu cumva te jecmaneste de bani, asa cum o face un cersetor de meserie. Asta explica de ce Romania este mai vindecata de boala cersetoriei decat restul Europei, si are mai putini "meseriasi" la colt de strada decat in occidentul care a devenit peste noapte “indexul de fericire” al celor pusi pe "facut bani" cu mana intinsa, inclusiv unii co-nationali care nu ne fac cinste peste granita. Asta trebuie sa stie World Happiness Report inainte sa ne puna stampila in frunte si sa ne puna pe locul 90 la generozitate, dupa criteriile domniilor sale. Ca Romania e treaza, iar politistii romani sunt chemati in alte tari sa ofere experienta lor pentru a rezolva aceasta problema.

Generozitatea romaneasca este doar unul dintre motivele pentru care campania Bursa de Fericire a avut succes printre co-nationalii nostri. Pentru ca a scos in fata romanilor o nevoie reala. Si asta probabil ca a punctat juriul Cannes Lions, calificand lucrarea Ogilvy si implicit a celor care au ajutat la ea, pe lista campaniilor finaliste la un premiu, din pacate nepremiata si cu un Cannes Lion.

Mai jos, cat de generosi sunt romanii cu adevarat. Nu cum spune World Happiness Report, intr-o cheie necunoscuta noua, romanilor.

(sursa: cannes lions)

 Describe the campaign/entry:

 The Romanian healthcare system has poor medication, insufficient infrastructure and a chronic lack of funds. Cancer is the second cause of mortality. The NGO “Daruieste Viata” is committed to create better conditions for cancer treatment. The key barrier was the fact that people avoid the subject due to its sadness. Our goal was to create a sustainable fundraising tool and generate an optimistic social movement around it. We searched for insights relevant to all Romanians in order to promote our cause. Romanians perceive themselves as a sad nation and the World Happiness Report confirms it by placing Romania on the 90th place -one of the saddest countries in Europe. A nation’s happiness index is determined also by people’s generosity. Studies also show that generous people tend to be happier than the ones who care only for themselves. The solution was to create “The Happiness Stock Exchange”, an online platform designed to raise funds for the modernization of the Romanian oncology clinics and also increase the happiness index of Romanians. www.bursadefericire.ro Since we had no media budget we relied on PR and social media. The leading TV station, the most prestigious business newspaper, over 40 strong influencers became share holders of the Happiness Stock Exchange and promoters of our cause. We raised 1 million EURO in just 2 months by selling 480,000 happiness shares to 3,000 happy share holders. Over 4 million people were exposed to our messages.

Describe the brief from the client:

Our goal was to create a sustainable fundraising tool for the modernization of the Romanian oncology clinics and, for the first time, generate an optimistic social movement around it. Further on we searched for insights relevant to all Romanians helping us on promoting our cause. Romanians generally perceive themselves as a sad nation and the World 2012 UN Happiness Report confirmed it placing Romania on the 90th place out of 150. Therefore we created a platform able to contribute at increasing the happiness index of Romanians while contributing with funds for cancer treatment investments.

Creative Execution:

The campaign run for 2 month (November 2012 – January 2013) and started with the launch event followed by on-line, TV and radio. Bogdan Olteanu, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Romania opened The Happiness Stock Exchange in the National Bank, in the same room where the Financial Stock Exchange was opened 10 years ago. The event engaged the most valuable influencers among business and social communities. The campaign had extremely high visibility on the leading TV stations, several news in prime time and the most prestigious IT show presented live the website encouraging people to invest in happiness shares. Several influencers joined the cause becoming the first investors at Happiness Stock Exchange. We also created one TV ad and one radio and relied on TV stations' generosity to broadcast them.


Amazing results since the project was launched end of November 2013 without any advertising budget. 150 participants at the launch event (CEOs, CFOs, media and digital influencers, showbiz VIPs) out of which 40 influencers became fully engaged in the program. Our TV campaign reached 4,000,000 people in
Romania. In online we reached approximately 229,000 people on blogs, news and lifestyle websites and Facebook. One of the most influential and well-known singers promoted the campaign during his concert, in front of 4000 fans. On the website have 11,181 visitors and on the Facebook page we engaged with 3,000 people (without any paid media). The media coverage achieved was 100% positive. Just on TV the advertising value is estimated at 124,000 EUR. In 2 months campaign we achieved a huge number of 400,000 Happiness stocks sold to 3,000 investors. But the most exquisite result is the 1 million EURO fund raised in 2 months.

Physiological studies show that generosity is a key factor in personal happiness. The ones who give tend to be happier than the ones who only care for themselves. And this is how we created Bursa de Fericire - the first ever Happiness Stock exchange. The Happines Stock Exchange is an online platform whre companies and individuals can buy happiness shares and watch their money invested in the modernization of the Romanian oncology clinics. Since we had no media budget we totally relied on PR and social media. We convinced influencers (KOLs, VIPs, bloggers) to invest in Happiness Stocks and encourage people to follow their example, TV & radio stations partnered with the cause since it was a topic of national importance and we gained free news, editorials and even free TV and radio spots airing.

Mai mult in 
Cannes LionsFestival

Bursa de Fericire. 
Agentie: Ogilvy

About the entry








Health and Wellness B: Education & Services

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Education & Awareness

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Dani Macarie

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Creative Director

Albert Nica

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Executive Creative Director

Corina Bompa

Ogilvy/Mather Romania


Andreea Mitea

Ogilvy/Mather Romania


Loredana Caradimu

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Planning Director

Catalin Popescu

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Art Director

Bogdan Anghel

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Art Director

Raluca Marin

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Client Service Director

Alina Melescanu

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Pr Director

Claudia Mihalascu

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Pr Director

Cristian Serban

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Agency Producer

Raluca Manaila

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Pr Manager

Felicia Langa

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Account Manager

Radu Jude



Cristina Visan

Ogilvy/Mather Romania

Account Manager

Alin Ameiroaie


Senior Developer

Sebastian Doroftei


Technical Lead