"Pozitionarea de brand" în 400 de pagini, 100 de exemple si 40 de spoturi
Joi, 15 Martie 2007

(AdPlayers.ro, Iulian Toma)

Pozitionarea de brand în 400 de pagini, 100 de exemple si 40 de spoturiCu o experienta de peste 30 de ani în marketing si comunicare, Erich Buxbaum, unul dintre cei mai respectati profesionisti ai industriei de comunicare din Europa va sustine la Bucuresti seminarul pe tema "Brand Positioning”, la invitatia IAA Romania.

Potrivit IAA, programul intensiv va detalia tema „Pozitionarea de brand – cum sa dezvolti, sa perfectionezi si sa îti faci brandurile mai puternice, pentru un profit sustenabil” structurat în 6 module distincte. Workshop-ul va contine peste 400 de slide-uri, peste 100 de exemple din viata de zi cu zi si 40 de spoturi TV.

Presedinte IAA Europe, Erich Buxbaum a fost responsabil de strategiile  globale, de inovatiile si de constructia brandului Unilever, companie în care a ocupat mai multe pozitii cheie cum sunt Senior Vice President, Household Care la Unilever Londra si  President Unilever und Chairman Lever Faberge, Austria.

Erich Buxbaum are o arie extinsa de competenta în calitate de  trainer, sustinând cu succes traininguri si workshop-uri pe teme ce includ:  Management Strategic, Management de portofoliu si achizitii, Brand Building & Pozitionare, Comunicarea de brand,  Managementul inovatiei si Psihologia Culorilor.

Potrivit organizatorilor, seminarul "Brand Positioning” se adreseaza segmentului de middle management-ului din industria de comunicare si va avea loc Miercuri, 28 martie între orele 16.00- 18.00, si întreaga zi de joi - 29 martie, între orele 9.00 si 17.00, în sala Diamond a hotelului Howard Johnson.

Responsabilii de comunicare ai evenimentului spun ca seminarul este astfel structurat încât participantii sa aiba ocazia de a interactiona activ cu Erich Buxbaum, în cadrul sesiunii dedicate întrebarilor si raspunsurilor.

Taxa de participare pentru membri IAA este de 240 Euro / persoana + TVA. (pentru participare email: irina.iliescu@gmp.ro )

Structura workshop-ului „Pozitionarea de brand” (sursa IAA)

Programul de training va include:

Modulul 1: Importanta brandurilor; Puterea brandurilor

Modulul 2: O lume în schimbare pentru branduri

Modulul 3: Pozitionarea brandurilor; Modele de pozitionare; Mediul competitiv, targetul, insight-uri, beneficii, valori si personalitate,

Modulul 4 Dinamica brandului; Viziunea de brand; Dezvoltarea brandului; Viata unui brand;

Modulul 5: Extensiile de brand; Strategii de succes; Planificarea portofoliului de brand

Modulul 6: Migrarea brandului; Vârsta unui brand.


Dkfm. Erich H Buxbaum, 61 y.o. (24. 06. 1946 Klagenfurt, Austria )

email: ehbuxbaum(at)aon(dot)at


Baccalaureate (1965)

University (Business Administration) (1965-69), Dkfm.

University (Psychology & Teaching Sciences) (68-69)

Projects with M.I.T.

J. Clarke: to create an Innovation Process Management Tool for UL)

Arnoldo HAX: strategy models for UL)



1970 Unilever Austria – Apollo, Elida, Lever Ind.

Pers. Assistant to the Commercial Director

Reorganisation projects, Competitive Intelligence, Sales/Promot. and Distribution Modelling

1973 Unilever Austria – Apollo/Lever

Sales Operations Manager

Sales Indoor, Key Account Man., Sales Admin. And link to Marketing

1976 Unilever Austria – Apollo/Lever

Marketing Manager (for Personal Wash and Household Care)

Successful Launches und Relaunches and market leadership with several brands (CIF, Lux, Atlantik, Sunlight etc.)

1979 Unilever Austria – Lever Industrial

Marketing Director (For the institutional and industrial business)

New strategy, new categories, reorganisation sales and distribution, new branding principles

1984 Lever Broth. USA, N.Y.

Special Assignment (Strategy and acquisitions)

1985 Lever Ind. France, Paris

Marketing- and Salesdirector France

4  business units with marketing and direct & indirect sales organisations

Established an new marketing & sales strategy and several  sales efficiency programmes

1988 Lever Ind. France, Paris,

Deputy Chairman France

Business Area Chairman Hygiene worldwide (Techn. and market. teams also in Utrecht NL)

1989 Lever Ind. France, Paris,

President Dir. Generale LI France (and Business Area Chairman WW)

Creation of worldwide marketing and distribution programmes, brand innovation

2 strategic acquisitions fully integrated into the business

1 pan European acquisition and disposal of non core areas

Organisation of a management buyout

Results: Double turnover, 10 times profit

1993 Lever Ind. France/Europe, Paris

Vice president Western Europe

Responsible for strategy, innovation, business models

Sales of non core businesses

Cost savings programmes on pan European level


1994 Unilever, Corporate Centre, London,

Category Leader Household Care & Personal Wash

Responsible for strategy, innovation and brand build (globally)

Lead of global brand stewardship exercise for DOVE with O&M (which became a model for a new system for brand positioning and brand stretching)

New VISION for Dove: Brand-Stretching in new market segments (Growth of Dove from Ł150 mill  (94) to over Ł1 bill now)

Creation of new worldwide hygiene platform (Domestos)

Brand stretching with CIF

1997 Unilever, Corporate Centre, London,

Senior Vice President, Household Care

Responsible for strategy, innovation and brand build (globally)

Globalisation of several brands

Leading role in new segments (e.g. hygiene) and creation of professional institutes (e.g.IFH)

Creation of a new innovation process management for Unilever (together with M.I.T.)

Participation in several acquisition teams

Strategic consulting  for regional acquisitions

Development of a category knowledge management systems, which has been rolled out for all other categories

Leadership of the development of  a new brand positioning tool for Brand Positioning,  Brand Vision and Brand Extension,  which was then launched worldwide as a mandatory Unilever new system

2000 Unilever Austria

President Unilever und Chairman Lever Faberge

Turnaround of LF which had zero growth to +10% growth

Disposals of non core businesses and manufacturing sites (Bakery, Frozen food production, part of Elisabeth Arden, margarine production)

Integration of Knorr/Bestfood


Worldwide Leadership of „Sustainable Water initiatives” of Unilever

Leadership of an international network to steer all water initiatives of Unilever (Imprint, Downstream, Factory Programmes, Consumer Awareness and Habit Change, Sponsorships and Partnerships)

Areas of competence:

Strategic Management

Throughout the career use of several models

Development of new models together with MIT, BCG, McKinsey, Henley Inst. with focus on Strategy into action

Portfolio Management / Acquisitions and Disposals

Knowledge Management

Brand Build & Positioning

Development of a new brand positioning tool for Brand Positioning, Brand Vision and Brand Extension which was then launched worldwide as a mandatory  Unilever new system.

Brand Communication

Member of the team which developed for Unilever new brand communication tools, which were then launched and used worldwide (“Advanced Brand Communication“, “Communication Channel Planning“, “PR for Building Brands”)


Innovation Process Management

I led the team, which developed together with the Mass. Inst. of Techn. a new Unilever Innovation Process and its tools (used by marketing and R&D) to optimise the scarce and limited resources of R&D and to get a stronger and better innovation portfolio.

Colour Psychology

Research & studies how colour works with FMCG in different cultures