EFFIE Romania pune 1000 EUR pe capul campaniei de comunicare
Luni, 04 Decembrie 2006

AdPlayers.ro , Irina Toma )

International Advertising Association (IAA) si Uniunea Agentiilor de Publicitate din Romānia (UAPR) dau start EFFIE Awards Romānia 2007 cu un concurs de publicitate. Pentru dezvoltarea creativa a campaniei de comunicare, organizatorii au decis sa deschida competitia īntregii comunitati de advertising din Romānia: agentiile membre IAA si RAAA, alte agentii, freelanceri, studenti, oameni din industrie, s.a..

Practic, spun promotorii competitiei, pentru realizarea ad-ul creativ al campaniei de promovare sunt invitati sa participe oamenii si nu companiile.

“Am ales acest mod de promovare tocmai pentru a ajuta creativii - fie ei din agentii sau aspiranti - sa īnteleaga mai bine ce reprezinta EFFIE si ce īsi propune acest festival“, spune Narcis Horhoianu, Associate Marketing Director Procter & Gamble Romania si Presedintele Comitetului de Organizare Effie Awards Romānia 2007.

Premiul pentru cea mai buna lucrare consta īntr-un cec īn valoare de 1,000 Euro. Selectia lucrarilor castigatoare se va face de catre Comitetul de Organizare Effie 2007, iar cāstigatorul va fi anuntat si pe site-ul oficial al competitiei, īn data de 23 Decembrie 2006.

Materialele pot fi trimise trimise pāna cel tārziu la data de 18 Decembrie 2006 catre adresa de e-mail office@iaa.ro.

Effie Awards Romānia

Ajuns la cea de a patra editie, EFFIE Awards Romānia este un festival destinat industriei de advertising autohtone care premiaza reusita īn atingerea si depasirea obiectivelor de marketing si comunicare. Premiile Effie Romānia reprezinta recunoasterea rezultatelor publicitatii, a procesului de creatie si planificare strategica generatoare de succes tangibil si masurabil.

Conform organizatorilor, anul acesta Comitetul de Organizare al EFFIE 2007 este format din: Narcis Horhoianu – Associate Marketing Director Procter & Gamble Romania si Presedintele Comitetului de Organizare, Liviu Irimia – Marketing Director Interbrew Romania, Afrodita Blasius – Managing Partner Bridge Communication, Cezar Dumitru – Senior Brand Manager, Ursus Breweries, Radu Florescu – Managing Partner Saatchi&Saatchi, Sorin Psatta - Strategy & Research Director Graffiti BBDO si Victor Dobre  - Director Executiv IAA Romania.

Un festival de mare amploare pe plan international, licenta pentru desfasurarea festivalului Effie īn Romānia apartine “American Marketing Association New York”, iar modul de desfasurare al concursului este extrem de standardizat, urmarindu-se pas cu pas procedurile de operare internationale ale EFFIE.


Brief Concurs campanie promovare EFFIE Awards 2007:


Design the key visual for the advertising campaign of the fourth edition of the Romanian EFFIE Awards.

Objectives of project

Create awareness for the award.

Generate interest and positive attitude for entering the competition within the marketing community.

Target audience for the project:

Core: Marketing professionals from: Advertisers, advertising agencies, specialized publications, media agencies, research agencies.

Extended: The whole business and media community, students & academic environment.

Project background

EFFIE is an international award, born in 1968, being recognized worldwide by both marketers and advertising agencies as the most important award of the industry, as it recognizes the effectiveness of the communication campaign.

EFFIE winners are team of marketers and agencies that addressed a market challenge with an insightful strategy and creative idea, put to work to achieve marketing objectives.

In 2007 there will be the fourth edition of EFFIE Romania. It is known among the industry members and the number of entries grew each year.

Nevertheless, marketers are still reluctant to enter their campaigns and give away data.

Message to communicate

The EFFIES honor communication that works.

What EFFIE stands for:

EFFIE exists to promote and recognize excellence in commercial communication.

EFFIE is first and foremost an effectiveness award. Creative is part of the judgment process, not in terms of execution, but of the creative idea and how the idea supports the strategy and delivers results.

EFFIE stands for a consistent philosophy and a rigorous set of practices, built around the demonstrated ability of advertising to achieve marketing goals.

EFFIE encourages the dissemination of learning about best practices in advertising effectiveness.

EFFIE is about international recognition. About being rigorous, quantifiable and objective.

Mandatory elements

The visual should be able to work on all the campaign materials (print, internet, collaterals) of the festival, materials that will incorporate the logos of the organizers (IAA, RAAA) and the Effie logo.


The proposals should be submitted by email at office@iaa.ro by 18th of December 2006.

The EFFIE Organizing Committee will review and appraise your work.

Results will be communicated 22nd of December.

Hurry up, the winning team will split not just the glory but also 1,000 euros.