Dorna - Runners

In today’s world everyone wants to be everything for everyone. Yet, take a closer look and you’ll realize the best brands are not for everyone. They realized great marketing means that sometimes you have to sacrifice. That’s also valid for us: we know we cannot work with all the clients in the world. Nor can we hire anyone who doesn’t have an unending enthusiasm for innovation and digital advertising, or for our work – although we are terribly flattered when invited to pitches or assaulted with job applications from all over the world. That’s why we took the hard way and will tell you...
Title: Titlu | Runners |
Product: Produs | Dorna |
Media Type: Tip Media | TV, Cinema |
Year, Month of first appearance: prima aparitie: an, luna | 2009, Mai |
Agency: Agentie | McCann Bucharest |
Advertiser: Anuntator | Coca - Cola Romania |
Category: Categorie | Non-Alcoholic Drinks |