Rezultatele cautarii dupa : "service"
Ordonare dupa: data / relevanta
If you understand the importance of the CS depth in an advertising agency, have good communication skills, English knowledge, pro active activity, than send us a CV .
We are looking for a new team member. So if you want to be a part of our challenging team, you are a talented experienced strategic planner and you want to make a difference please send us your portfolio.
Candidatul trebuie sa aiba experienta semnificativa pe conturi internationale, leadership, capacitate de automotivare si dorinta de a iesi din tipare!
Căutăm un alien simpatic și comunicativ, pentru un post de account executive în internet business/new media, care să îi răpească pe clienți, dar și pe colegi, cu inteligența, prezența de spirit și dedicația specifice...
We are looking for a new member to join our team and we require to :
- Be the perfect communication link between the client and the agency internal departments,
- Understand the client’s business and business / category environment & issues,
Active Promotion
Cautam persoane care au ales drumul spre succes convinsi ca prin calitatile proprii isi vor atinge scopul.Noi ii ajutam si ii sustinem
Young&Rubicam / Team Advertising
Join a fresh and dynamic team at Y&R, working on a variety of Romania's leading advertising brands.
If you will have 2+ years experience in a agency environment, together with a very good command of English, make us interested in you.
Marking the e-mail "I'm Your...
The Ad Store
The Ad Store cauta Copywriter cu 2 ani de experienta in comunicare.
CV-urile si aplicatiile pentru job le asteptam pe adresa:
The Ad Store
The Ad Store cauta Art junior!
Stapanesti bine Photoshopul si Corelul sau Illustratorul, ai habar de publicitate si vrei sa faci lucruri de care sa fii mandru?
Asteptam CV-ul tau la adresa:
DDB Romania (The Group, Omnicom)
DDB angajeaza art director cu experienta de minimum 2 ani in advertising.
Profilul angajatului:
Cunoştinţe de marketing şi vânzări
Noţiuni financiare
Aptitudini de interrelaţionare, capacitatea de a înţelege comportamentul uman
Capacitate de integrare socială mare, sociabilitate
ScalaJWT is looking for experienced people to join the team . We ask the people to be among others : creative, passionate, opened , communicative. If you think that you are what we are looking for and you are ready to make a difference , do not hesitate to contact us .
Young&Rubicam / Team Advertising
Join a fresh and dynamic team at Y&R, working on a variety of Romania's leading advertising brands.
If you will have 2+ years experience in a agency environment, together with a very good command of English, make us interested in you.
Adviser | ChilliMedia
Cautam un Account Manager cu experienta de minimum 2 ani pe conturi relevante si pus/pusa serios pe treaba.
Va rugam sa trimiteti cv la adresa
Adviser | ChilliMedia
Cautam Art si Copy. De preferat intr-o echipa gata formata si rodata. Dar se poate si separat ca la noi prieteniile se leaga usor. Experienta de minimum 2 ani e obligatorie la fel ca si portofoliul de lucrari relevant.
Trimiteti cv si un extras beton din portofoliu la adresa...