Rezultatele cautarii dupa : "new"
Ordonare dupa: data / relevanta
Fabrica Flash
Candidatul ideal:
• Creativ si original
• Capabil de exprimare verbala cursiva, vocabular bogat
• Capacitate de a grupa sau categoriza lucruri, informatii
• Atentie selectiva, concentrata, dar si distributiva
• Capacitati persuasive
• Echilibru...
Creative Market
Manage integrated communication campaigns (ATL&BTL), CRM, Digital and Interactive campaigns;
Effectively manage the day to day account portfolio along with the Account Executive in meeting the client’s needs;
Collaborate with all departments to...
Webarmada, firma creatoare si detinatoare a solutiei de management al vanzarilor si relatiilor cu clientii -Web2CRM, este in cautarea oamenilor talentati, cu abilitati de vanzatori , entuziasti, optimisti, care pot face fata provocarilor domeniului de vanzari de software , care recunosc si aplica...
Seed Consultants
Esti creativ, optimist, atent la detaliu, iti plac oamenii si discutiile zilnice cu ei, aplica pentru pozitia de:
ACCOUNT MANAGER, la Seed Consultants
Descrierea jobului:
Coordoneaza proiectele de branding curente
Seed Consultants
* Evidence of strategic and creative vision that supports client goals
* Degree in Graphic Design or equivalent education
* Minimum 3 years of previous creative experience in branding and/or advertising agencies
* Excellent...
Grup Sapte
Managing a portfolio of accounts
Manage the work of advertising account executives and are responsible for client budgets and administration
Dealing with all aspects of an advertising campaign
Using an existing network of industry contacts...
Sanoma Hearst Romania
Descrierea postului:
- actualizeaza zilnic (luni-vineri) continutul site-ului web cu informatii relevante pentru utilizatorii site-ului;
- monitorizeaza evolutia traficului web pe site, folosind intrumentele de masurare a traficului puse la dispozitie de companie;
Sales Manager, Neocomm Communications
Cautam o persoana comunicativa, un bun negociator, un team-player orientat catre solutionarea
problemelor, cu o atentie deosebita pentru detalii. Sunt necesare cunostinte avansate de utilizare a calculatorului...
Are you looking for new challenges in production filed? Join us, and let's make a difference . If you have experience, love advertising and production, please feel free to contact us .
We are looking for a new team member. So if you want to be a part of our challenging team, you are a talented experienced strategic planner and you want to make a difference please send us your portfolio.
Căutăm un alien simpatic și comunicativ, pentru un post de account executive în internet business/new media, care să îi răpească pe clienți, dar și pe colegi, cu inteligența, prezența de spirit și dedicația specifice...
We are looking for a new member to join our team and we require to :
- Be the perfect communication link between the client and the agency internal departments,
- Understand the client’s business and business / category environment & issues,
Young&Rubicam / Team Advertising
Join a fresh and dynamic team at Y&R, working on a variety of Romania's leading advertising brands.
If you will have 2+ years experience in a agency environment, together with a very good command of English, make us interested in you.
Marking the e-mail "I'm Your...
Young&Rubicam / Team Advertising
Join a fresh and dynamic team at Y&R, working on a variety of Romania's leading advertising brands.
If you will have 2+ years experience in a agency environment, together with a very good command of English, make us interested in you.