Rezultatele cautarii dupa : "client service"
Ordonare dupa: data / relevanta
McCann Bucharest
McCann-er / noun
Truth well told.
It's about making something memorable,
but also believing in your clients.
As in ACCOUNT MANAGER: The best version a person can be in our beautiful department of Client Service.
Fabrica Flash
Candidatul ideal:
• Creativ si original
• Capabil de exprimare verbala cursiva, vocabular bogat
• Capacitate de a grupa sau categoriza lucruri, informatii
• Atentie selectiva, concentrata, dar si distributiva
• Capacitati persuasive
• Echilibru...
Propaganda cauta sa recruteze media manager, experienta 3-4 ani in planning si client service.
Persoana cu lipici la clienti, indemanare cu softurile si adaptare la un mediu de lucru dinamic si placut.
Lemon Studio
Job Description
- develop creative concepts that are translated into advertising materials
- work closely with the copywriter, client service and DTP in order to respect each project’s requirements and meet the deadlines
Job requirements
- be a team player...
We are looking for a new member to join our team and we require to :
- Be the perfect communication link between the client and the agency internal departments,
- Understand the client’s business and business / category environment & issues,