Dupa un mandat mai lung al agentiei Tempo, inca 3 agentii sunt chemate in pitch-ul de creatie. Din informatiile culese de AdPlayers, pe langa fosta agentie, in pitch au mai fost invitate Headvertising, Propaganda si Papaya.
De ce “Nu gasim timp sa ascultam”, in exclusivitate pentru AdPlayers - Robert Tiderle, managerul agentiei de publicitate Papaya, care semneaza strategia si creatia platformei de comunicare „Time to listen” a operatorului de telefonie mobila
"Tony, Please see below the reason for the cancellation of all our booking orders for your group. It is beyond any understanding and completely unacceptable why a media company with which we have tried to prepare a special project for a special day attacks this client in such a way.