CLIENTI RECENT CASTIGATI*: (2011-2012), Castrol, BP, Aral, Cumpana, Parma Food.
Botezata politicos “licitatie”, tabara de vanatoare a preturilor de media Vodafone organizata nu de Ion Tiriac, ci de operatorul de telefonie mobila, are loc anual in contrast cu toti ceilalti mari investitori in comunicare incepand cu Unilever sau Procter & Gamble si chiar alti operatori de telefonie, inclusiv compania mama Vodafone Group care isi muta contul...
"Tony, Please see below the reason for the cancellation of all our booking orders for your group. It is beyond any understanding and completely unacceptable why a media company with which we have tried to prepare a special project for a special day attacks this client in such a way.